Skin Deep Permanent Cosmetics

Skin Deep Permanent Cosmetics

If appointment times available to not meet your needs please call Michelle at (4040642-3063

Choose a service to schedule

Permanent eyebrows - $450
This service is for new eyebrow clients. It includes 2 sessions spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart.
Permanent Eyeliner - $450
This service is for new Eyeliner clients. This is for top and bottom eyeliner. It includes 2 sessions spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart.
Permanent Brows and Eyeliner - $900
This is for new brows and eyeliner. Both procedures include a follow up appointment in 4 to 6 weeks.
Permanent Lip Color - $550
This service is for new lip clients. It includes 2 sessions spaced 6 to 8 weeks apart. Client would need to speak with Michelle concerning the need for an Rx for Herpes Simplex (fever blisters) if the client has ever had an outbreak.
Permanent Lip Liner with blend - $450
This service is for new clients requesting Lip liner. It is advised to call or consult with Michelle for information on an Rx for Herpes Simplex if you have ever had a fever blister or a history of Herpes Simplex.
Consultation - $0 (call for appointment)
This service is just for consultation in office. Please call for a consultation. Many times questions can be answered over the phone and an in person consultation is not necessary. When it is needed it can be scheduled directly with Michelle.
Touch up eyebrows - $0
This service is for complimentary follow up on new brow procedure.
Touch up eyeliner - $0
This is for the complimentary follow up on clients that have had the eyeliner procedure.
Touch Up Brows and Liner - $0
This service is the complimentary follow up for a full service on Brows and Eyeliner.
Touch up Lip color - $0
This service is for complimentary follow up session on new lip procedure.
Refresh Brows and Liner - $400
This appointment would be for previous clients needing a refresher on brows and liner done within the last 3 years. Any procedures performed longer than 3 years prior will need a consultation first. Any client that had their procedures done by a different artist would need to schedule a consultation or call Michelle.
Refresher on Brows - $200
This procedure is for previous clients that have had their brows done within the last 3 years. Any clients whose brows were done prior to that would need to schedule a consultation. Any client that had their brows done by a different artist would also need to schedule a consultation or call Michelle.
Refresher on Eyeliner - $200
This procedure is for previous clients that have had eyeliner done in the last 3 years. Clients that have had eyeliner longer than that should schedule a consultation or call Michelle. Any clients that have had another artist perform the original work should also schedule a consultation or call Michelle.
Refresher on Lip Color - $200
This service is for previous clients that have had their lip color for no longer than 3 years. Any client that has had their lips done longer than that should schedule a consultation or call Michelle. Clients that had their lips done by another artist should also schedule a consultation or call Michelle.
Lightening or Removal - $150
Lightening or Removal of previous permanent makeup. It is advised to schedule a consultation before scheduling this procedure.
Directions 4075 Charles Hardy Parkway, Dallas, GA, 30157USA